
Lastest news of Abcore Cadí program

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How to Make a News Article

This News Screencast is a step by step tutorial to demonstrate and explain to users how to easily create news articles for their organization’s website. Using the Abcore Cadi program, nontechnical users can communicate visually appealing news sections to inform their viewers about recent project events and activities. They are able to create titles, specify the language, and modify sections of the news articles.

The program is automatically managed by CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) but users also have full access to edit their text with WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). This allows you to use tools, define tags, and add images for an informative news section on your website.

A presence on the internet is important and with this information technology Abcore Cadi’s customers can report, announce, and publish stories to their viewers on the organization’s news webpage. Improving the World using Information Technology to Help Organizations
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